Entomology 2010, the 58th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, will feature two plenary speakers during the meeting in San Diego, California, December 12-15, 2010.Christopher Marley, an author and insect artist, will explain how he changed from a former “insect-phobe” into an aficionado during a speech called "The Aesthetics of Insects." Marley's life path started in Covina, CA in the late 1960’s, where he had a great aversion to insects that persisted throughout his childhood in Oregon and even into his time as a missionary in Northern Chile. Upon his return from his missionary trip, he alternated semesters at BYU studying design, with travels abroad working in fashion advertising. Over time, his perspective on insects began to morph from phobia to intense appreciation. The radical morphological variances of insects became an almost obsessive fascination, and he began to incorporate insects into his design work until they became the central focus. He opened his first gallery in Hermosa Beach, CA in 1999, and after two years took his unique form of artwork into hundreds of stores and galleries throughout the US, Canada, Japan. Meeting attendees will see samples of his beautiful work shown in galleries around the world, and they’ll have the opportunity to purchase a signed copy of his book Pheromone on Monday at the ESA booth.
James McWilliams, a historian at Texas State University and the author of four books, including American Pests: Our Losing War on Insects from Colonial Times to DDT, writes regularly for the New York Times, Slate, and The Atlantic, and is a contributing writer at the Texas Observer. In 2009 he received the Heitt Prize in the Humanities, given by the Dallas Institute for the Humanities to a scholar whose work promises to "change the way the world thinks." During his speech entitled "Historical Perspectives on Insect Control in Early America," he will share his insights on the history of early American pest control and much more.
Christopher Marley will speak Monday, December 13, from 12:30-1:15. James MCWilliams' speech will be held on Tuesday, December 14, from 12:15-12:45.
During Entomology 2010, thousands of entomologists and professionals from related disciplines will gather from around the world to exchange scientific information and ideas, enhance professional knowledge and skills, network with colleagues and re-acquaint with old friends. In addition, students will compete in the President’s Prize and in the Linnaean Games, and there is a Career Center where job vacancies and resumes are posted. A commercial exhibition will feature entomological equipment, supplies, and reference materials, as well as the opportunity to purchase gifts for friends and family, and attendees will have the opportunity to participate in tours around San Diego.
Click here for more information about Entomology 2010.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Christopher Marley and James McWilliams to Give Plenary Speeches at Entomology 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bed Bug Book Reprints Available Now
Monograph of Cimicidae, the definitive resource on bed bugs, has been reprinted by the Entomological Society of America (ESA).
As bed bug problems have grown in the United States and abroad, so has interest in this hard-to-find book.
The newly published paperback version is now available to ESA members for $59.00 and to non-members for $74.00, including shipping within the continental U.S.
First published in 1966, this classic text by Robert L. Usinger covers the feeding habits, ecology, disease transmission, control, morphology, anatomy, physiology, embryology, cytology, systematics, and taxonomy of the insect family Cimicidae, which includes human bed bugs.
The 585-page book is divided into 14 chapters, and it features photographs and illustrations of both adult and immature Cimicids, treating 74 species arranged in 22 genera and 6 subfamilies.
Monograph of Cimicidae (ISBN 0-9776209-2-1) is a valuable resource for entomologists, epidemiologists, ecologists and pest-control professionals.
To order, call 410-263-3622; send email to sales@entsoc.org; or download a form and order the bed bug book online (book code is TS7).
Only 300 copies were issued for this reprinting.
Founded in 1889, ESA is a non-profit organization committed to serving the scientific and professional needs of more than 5,700 entomologists and individuals in related disciplines. ESA's membership includes representatives from educational institutions, government, health agencies, and private industry.
For more information, write to sales@entsoc.org or call 410-263-3622.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Registration open for Entomology 2010
Entomology 2010 is the 58th annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America.
This year's ESA Annual Meeting will take place December 12-15, 2010 in San Diego, California, where 3,000 scientists are expected to gather from around the world to exchange scientific information and ideas, enhance professional knowledge and skills, network with colleagues and re-acquaint with old friends, and conduct the business of the Society.
This year's meeting will feature 84 symposia on insects.
Register for Entomology 2010.
More information on Entomology 2010.
Founded in 1889, ESA is a non-profit organization committed to serving the scientific and professional needs of nearly 6,000 entomologists and individuals in related disciplines. ESA's membership includes representatives from educational institutions, government, health agencies, and private industry.